Adopt-A-Wedding Program
A wedding day should be a day of joy and celebration, not anxiety and fear.
Getting married and hosting a wedding is a huge expense for anyone. Most families are able to find a way to manage the expense, but for poor families in Israel the cost can be prohibitive. The day that should have been the happiest occasion of their lives becomes marked by disappointment and anxiety over escalating debts. How can the impoverished afford even a modest celebration, when “modest” in wedding terms includes hall rental costs, gown rental costs, meal costs, flower and decoration costs, photography costs, and so many other expenses? Poverty steals beautiful moments. Laughter is turned to tears.
Yad Eliezer wants to enable every Jewish bride and groom in Israel to celebrate their wedding with joy.
Fifty Subsidized Weddings Celebrations Each Month
Think you can’t dance at two weddings? Yad Eliezer dances at up to five weddings every night! Yad Eliezer partners with wedding halls to keep expenses at a minimum through highly subsidized food and service costs. Over 15,000 weddings have been sponsored to date. Yad Eliezer’s simple but elegant weddings welcome up to four hundred dinner guests and even larger groups for reception and dancing. No bride and groom in Israel need be downcast by poverty.
Yad Eliezer’s popular Gitty Perkowski Adopt-a-Wedding Program allows Jewish couples around the world to share their happy occasion with a poor couple in Israel. Choose a date from the Yad Eliezer Wedding Calendar and sponsor a wedding in Israel on the very same night as your own! Dance at your own wedding with the joy of knowing that, thanks to you, a poor couple in Israel is also dancing. Many have also sponsored weddings in the merit of a loved one suffering from illness, a single friend or relative hoping to find their soul mate, a couple praying for children, and in honor of an anniversary, a birthday, or a yartzheit.
Or Adopt-a-Wedding any time just because you care.